The Rock Warrior's Way

The Rock Warrior's Way


Mental training is scarcely covered in the climbing literature, yet it is as important to performance as strength, flexibility, and technique. In his unique approach to mental training, Arno Ilgner draws essential elements from the rich 'warrior' literature, as well as from sports psychology, and combines these with his extensive climbing experience to create The Rock Warriors Way.

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One Move Too Many...

One Move Too Many...

Harold Raeburn // The Steps of a Giant SMP_Raeburn__SPREAD_1_Mockup-copy-original.jpeg

Harold Raeburn // The Steps of a Giant

Make or Break

Make or Break

9 out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakes

9 out of 10 Climbers Make the Same Mistakes

The Science of Climbing Training
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The Science of Climbing Training
